At Spaceslide we want you to have the best possible shopping experience and the best price. Our Price Match Promise means you know when you shop with us you are getting the best deal.
If you find a cheaper price for an item that is the same as one of our products in any other retailer on the UK mainland, we will match the price, subject to the following conditions.
What requirements must be met to have a price matched:
Only items ordered for delivery within the UK mainland are eligible for a price match.
The competitor’s product must be identical to that offered by Spaceslide (e.g same size, colour, measurements etc.)
The competitors price must not include delivery.
The competitor’s product must be in stock at the time of the price matching.
The competitor’s price must include VAT, or, if not we will add VAT at the applicable rate to the offer price to create a price inclusive of VAT which is comparable to our prices.
No other promotional offers can be used with a product which is price matched. In other words, discount vouchers or other promotional codes cannot be applied to price matched products to receive a further discount.
We cannot retroactively price match after the product has been ordered.
We reserve the right to terminate or amend the terms of Our Price Promise at any time by posting notice of such termination or alteration on our website.
Of course, with Spaceslide you also get excellent customer service and our 10 year product guarantee