How to use a spacer block to infill gaps
Ensure your Spaceslide sliding wardrobe fits your space perfectly by adding a spacer
block to reduce the overall height of wardrobe. Create clean, seamless edges with
our simple guide on installing spacer blocks.
1. Position the top track against the ceiling, where your sliding doors will be fitted.
2. Move the track 18mm back from the front line of the wardrobe, ensuring plenty of
room is left for the fascia. Also take into account the overall depth of your wardrobe,
leaving enough space for your wardrobe interior.
3. Use a pencil to mark the ceiling against the front edge of the top track.
4. Take one spacer block and place its edge against the pencil line, around 200mm
from each side wall.
5. Mark and drill four holes through the holes in the spacer block. Secure the suitable
fixing for the ceiling surface and substrate in place. If you need advice on choosing
the right fixing, take a look at our guide or speak to a qualified tradesperson.
6. Repeat step five for any other spacer blocks in your opening.
7. Fit the spacer blocks necessary.
8. Then, fit the top track to the spacer blocks, leaving a 18mm gap for the front fascia.
9. To fix an end panel/wall liner, position the end panel then fix the end panel/liner
directly to the front of the spacer blocks. Fix the infill panel.